วันเสาร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550


Hello my name is Best but you can call me Spidy because I am like Spider Man. I ‘m Thai I live in Thailand Bangkok. I can speak English and Thai but in the future I want to speak French .My hobby is going to cinema it makes me happy and sad at the same time. I like to read comics such as Amazing Spider man , Iron man or Batman but my favorite super hero is SPIDER MAN .The reason that I like him is because he just a normal kid like me and one day he got power to help people .And he need to fight with himself and enemy at the same time. My fear is spiders .I hate spiders when I was young I had a bad memory about spiders. When I grow up I want to be a business man because I like to talk to many people .My favorite subject is English but sometime I hate it. I don’t like science because it is so boring every time that I m learn I will fall sleep .I always fail the test I never pass the test.

Young people today

Young people today
Now some teenagers or young people in Thailand are in danger with their habit because they like to listen to the music and chat or rudely .So now I think the reason that they have this habit is because their parents don’t care about their kid when they are young or they don’t have time to take care of them. Because they are using time to take care of work and let the nanny take care of their kid instead of the parent. And another reason that they are doing this is because of the television and video games or computer games. Television and games make teenagers rudely because games are violet for example shooting games like Counter Strike. This game is about shooting with cops and terrorists. On television some movies have some scenes that are so unacceptable, like cutting peoples head like Jason or Saw .In Thailand the censor company don’t tell which age can watch so every teenager can see it and almost every Thai movie must have rude words. So some teenagers or young people think that it is good so they speak it all time because they think that it is good and cool. I think the most reason that they are doing this is because of their parents.