วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Song Lyrics(Rule the World)

You light the skies, up above me
A star, so bright, you blind me, yeah
Don’t close your eyes
Don’t fade away, don’t fade away-


Yeah you and me we can ride on a star
If you stay with me girl
We can rule the world-
Yeah you and me we can light up the sky
If you stay by my side
We can rule the world-

If walls break down, I will comfort you
If angels cry, oh I’ll be there for you
You've saved my soul
Don’t leave me now, don’t leave me now


Yeah you and me we can ride on a star
If you stay with me girl
We can rule the world
Yeah you and me, we can light up the sky
If you stay by my side
We can rule the world-


[Rule The World lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

All the stars are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you, for you
All the stars are coming out tonight
They’re lighting up the sky tonight
For you, for you-


Yeah you and me we can ride on a star
If you stay with me girl
We can rule the world
Yeah you and me, we can light up the sky
If you stay by my side
We can rule the world

All the stars are coming out tonight (oooooooh)
They’re lighting up the sky tonight
For you, for you-
All the stars are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you,for you-

All the stars, are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you, for you-
All the stars, are coming out tonight
They're lighting up the sky tonight
For you,for you-

The first paragraph is about the girl light up the sky for man in the song. The second paragraph is about the man is telling that if the girl stay with him .They can ride the star can light up the sky and rule the world that mean if the girl stay with him they will be so powerful. The third paragraph is about the man is saying that if bad thing happened to her he will always be there for her always help her. The fifth paragraph is about the sky is lighting for her that mean this paragraph is telling that the girl was very important .So I thing this song the man is try to telling that girl is very important for him so much that can light up the sky or rule that world. So it like love can do anything love is so much powerful. The reason that I chosen this song because I like the meaning because it telling that love is so powerful love can do anything but now people think that. Love is just sex love is for fun or love is just for the money. And this song is original soundtrack from the movie Stardust .I really like this movie it very fun and teach me many thing about love.

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My Parent’s Opinions

My Parent’s Opinions
My parents they think that society is very important for kids. They think that if society is good children will be good to. But in my opinion I think it depends on parent not society .If society is bad but parents away teach them or tell them what is bad or good children can be good to.
In education my parents are very serious about it. When I was young they think that English should come first so they put me into an English program. They don’t like Thai education program they say that a Thai program doesn't make children think they just made children remember. Some times my parents said that if you finish from college but you are being a bad person it is rubbish.
In work my parents think that if you are doing clean work it is ok to do it. My parent they have their own business .When they are getting people in to their company they don’t only look at their education they look at how they dress and how they speak. There are two things that my parents don’t like it is first people that like to talk but do nothing. And second is America the reason that they don’t like it is because they say that America likes to steal things or make a war or pretend to be hero. But I don’t agree with them because they should not hate America they should hate George Bush because people in America are good they didn't do anything wrong.
But however my parent don’t care who is good or bad they care only about will I be good or not.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do something special or important?

How do you feel when you do something special or important?
It my life many times I am very nervous .For example when I play tennis with the stranger or another teenager that I don’t know. When I’m playing with them it makes me very nervous. When I am nervous almost every time that I play I will lose.Being Nervous is like a poison for me I don’t like it. Sometimes I don’t want to have any feelings. But when I think more clearly if I don’t have feelings how could I be different from a robot. I think that feelings are important sometime it is good sometimes it is bad .I imagine that if our world didn't have feelings we would never see a smile or good feeling. And we would not have children or kids. The World would be boring without a feeling. In my life I have been very nervous that I vomit .It happened when I was 12 years old I had math exam I was nervous before the test and after the test. And the result was I failed the exam. But sometimes I can stop this nervous feeling by listening to music it makes me feel relaxed .The music helps me a lot. Sometimes feelings are bad sometimes it is good but however we cannot live without a felling.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


On Saturday we went to Grand Palace we talked to foreigners about their country and their culture. I think culture is very important because culture tells where you came from or tells you what your society is like. But some people they don’t understand or don’t respect another persons culture so they have a fight. Like in some countries they have a war because of this problem. But sometimes I don’t agree with Muslim I do not understand why they need to kill a goat it is too violent. Sometimes I need to do some culture that I don’t want to do like every once a year I need to pay respect for god and eat many foods .I need to do it because my grandmother and my grandfather believed that if I do it I will be healthy and good have luck for the year that I do it. I think every person needs to have culture because if they don’t have any culture,how can they be different from animals because animals do not have culture they just sleep and eat all day. Some culture too danger ,some culturs are too scary even some culturs are too funny but people still believe in their culture. Some culture they change because of time like ,in Thailand when men meet the king they cannot look at the king but now it changs because of time.

วันอังคารที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What Society Expects of me

Now society expects me to get good grades to past the exam to get in to a good college. Like my parents they want me to get a good grade but I think it is not necessary .If you get a good grade but you are being a bad person. So I think that the thing that society should expect is good people more than smart people. I think we have too many smart people we need good people for Thailand. In some families they expect for the kid in a good college so some kids kill themselves because they cannot get in. Some families they don’t expect anything so the kid doesn’t do anything .But in my family they always say they don’t care if I get good grade or not they just want me to be a good person in the future. Sometimes I want to do thing that I don’t want to do, like do some homework, or doing some work that is boring but I need to do it because my parents expect me to do it, to past the exam. But now my family my friend or teacher expects too much and I hate it because if I cannot do it they will yell at me or give punishment.

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550


Hello my name is Best but you can call me Spidy because I am like Spider Man. I ‘m Thai I live in Thailand Bangkok. I can speak English and Thai but in the future I want to speak French .My hobby is going to cinema it makes me happy and sad at the same time. I like to read comics such as Amazing Spider man , Iron man or Batman but my favorite super hero is SPIDER MAN .The reason that I like him is because he just a normal kid like me and one day he got power to help people .And he need to fight with himself and enemy at the same time. My fear is spiders .I hate spiders when I was young I had a bad memory about spiders. When I grow up I want to be a business man because I like to talk to many people .My favorite subject is English but sometime I hate it. I don’t like science because it is so boring every time that I m learn I will fall sleep .I always fail the test I never pass the test.

Young people today

Young people today
Now some teenagers or young people in Thailand are in danger with their habit because they like to listen to the music and chat or rudely .So now I think the reason that they have this habit is because their parents don’t care about their kid when they are young or they don’t have time to take care of them. Because they are using time to take care of work and let the nanny take care of their kid instead of the parent. And another reason that they are doing this is because of the television and video games or computer games. Television and games make teenagers rudely because games are violet for example shooting games like Counter Strike. This game is about shooting with cops and terrorists. On television some movies have some scenes that are so unacceptable, like cutting peoples head like Jason or Saw .In Thailand the censor company don’t tell which age can watch so every teenager can see it and almost every Thai movie must have rude words. So some teenagers or young people think that it is good so they speak it all time because they think that it is good and cool. I think the most reason that they are doing this is because of their parents.