วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My Parent’s Opinions

My Parent’s Opinions
My parents they think that society is very important for kids. They think that if society is good children will be good to. But in my opinion I think it depends on parent not society .If society is bad but parents away teach them or tell them what is bad or good children can be good to.
In education my parents are very serious about it. When I was young they think that English should come first so they put me into an English program. They don’t like Thai education program they say that a Thai program doesn't make children think they just made children remember. Some times my parents said that if you finish from college but you are being a bad person it is rubbish.
In work my parents think that if you are doing clean work it is ok to do it. My parent they have their own business .When they are getting people in to their company they don’t only look at their education they look at how they dress and how they speak. There are two things that my parents don’t like it is first people that like to talk but do nothing. And second is America the reason that they don’t like it is because they say that America likes to steal things or make a war or pretend to be hero. But I don’t agree with them because they should not hate America they should hate George Bush because people in America are good they didn't do anything wrong.
But however my parent don’t care who is good or bad they care only about will I be good or not.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Thai_Gee_Sha-Hrim-Kho กล่าวว่า...

Hi Best, this is Googee.
I think that your parents are very cool and they care about you so much. You are very lucky that you have been putting into English program since you were young that show how your parents care about your future and your life when you grow up. I agree with your opinion about it isn’t America’s mistakes but it is George Bush mistake. He always does something for himself not for his citizens and his country. My parents have the same opinion as your parents about Thai education, my father doesn’t like the way of entrance system that make students have to remember all knowledge and do like racing for get in to Universities.

[S]Kanpachi กล่าวว่า...

This's Ta. I think you had good consideration. You didn't agree everything your parents said because you know how to think by yourself. You learn to think not to remember and your parents did well put you in this program (RA school). My parents always say the same as yours. They say that action is more important than speech. Just saying the word is easy but to do is difficult. Nothing will get better if we don’t start. I like how you talk about George W. Bush. He’s a devil that pretends to be an angle. He didn’t care about anything except his own profit.